Liverpool Girls High School

Innovation Excellence Learning

Telephone9602 0083

Exploring Early Childhood

Exploring Early Childhood

Exploring Early Childhood is a non-ATAR subject and is designed for students who may have an interest in learning about the early stages of child development. Through the study of Exploring Early Childhood, students learn to develop knowledge and understanding about the physical, social-emotional, behavioural, cognitive, and language development of young children. They will investigate the factors that have an impact on young children’s growth and development and develop skills in communication and interaction, research and analysis, and decision-making and evaluation. Students are provided with opportunities throughout the course to learn through real-life opportunities and experiences through the use of virtual babies.

Throughout this course, students may study the following topics:

  • Learning Experiences for Young Children
  • Play and the Developing Child
  • Starting School
  • Gender and Young Children
  • Children and Change
  • Young Children and Media
  • Young Children and the Law
  • Food and Nutrition
  • Child Health and Safety
  • Young Children with Special Needs