Liverpool Girls High School

Innovation Excellence Learning

Telephone9602 0083



Bullying of any kind is not acceptable in NSW schools.

The NSW anti-bullying website brings together information and resources for teachers, students, parents and carers. It helps to identify, prevent, and respond effectively to student bullying, including online bullying. It provides information about online safety and what you can do if your child has been bullied, witnessed bullying or been involved in bullying.

For more information on anti-bullying strategies for NSW public schools refer to the department’s Bullying of Students – Prevention and Response Policy.

For information on racial bullying and anti-racism education for NSW public schools refer to:

Our teachers use a variety of strategies to assess student learning. Anti-bullying

Bullying of any kind is not acceptable in NSW schools.

The NSW anti-bullying website brings together information and resources for teachers, students, parents, and carers. It helps to identify, prevent, and respond effectively to student bullying, including online bullying. It provides information about online safety and what you can do if your child has been bullied, witnessed bullying or been involved in bullying.

For more information on anti-bullying strategies for NSW public schools refer to the department’s Bullying of Students – Prevention and Response Policy.

For information on racial bullying and anti-racism education for NSW public schools refer to:

Our teachers use a variety of strategies to assess student learning.

LGHS Anti-Bullying Approach


Bullying of any kind is not acceptable in NSW schools.

The NSW anti-bullying website brings together information and resources for teachers, students, parents, and carers. It helps to identify, prevent, and respond effectively to student bullying, including online bullying. It provides information about online safety and what you can do if your child has been bullied, witnessed bullying or been involved in bullying.

For more information on anti-bullying strategies for NSW public schools refer to the department’s Bullying of Students – Prevention and Response Policy.

Anti-bullying Plan

The Bullying of Students - Prevention and Response Policy sets out the requirements for preventing and responding to student bullying in NSW government schools. In accordance with this policy, principals must ensure that the school implements an Anti-bullying Plan that is developed collaboratively with students, school staff, parents, caregivers, and the community.

LGHS 2024 Anti-bullying Plan


What is Stymie? 

  • Stymie was developed with consideration for the Australian Safe Schools Framework, as well as the recommendations of the Australian Covert Bullying Prevalence Society. 
  • Stymie allows bystanders to send anonymous notifications to our school, about someone who they believe is being bullied or harmed. 
  • This notification allows you to upload evidence, such as screenshots of social media posts and discussions, text messages, or instant message conversations to help outline an incident. 
  • The school then receives this Stymie notification via an encrypted, anonymous, and confidential email which can then be appropriately actioned by the school. 
  • It is important to note that Stymie does not store any information, it is merely the channel through which the information travels.

More than ever, you need to report any online bullying. 

More than ever, you need to report if you feel unsafe.

Stymie it.

You can report bullying or harm by simply going to the website, and report it anonymously


LINK- STYMIE Secondary Online Learning Responsibilities

LINK - STYMIE Parent Technology Charter

National Day of Action (NDA) – against bullying and violence

Students show their support in taking a stand against bullying and violence, by wearing NDA wristbands and signing LGHS anti-bullying pledge cards in the creation of an LGHS anti-bullying pledge wall.



Anti-bullying useful websites include:

LINK – Parent Anti-bullying Fact Sheet

LINK – Parent Anti-bullying Online Fact Sheet