Liverpool Girls High School

Innovation Excellence Learning

Telephone9602 0083

Mobile Phone Policy

Mobile Phone Policy

Our School’s Approach

Liverpool Girls High School does not consider mobile phones to be an appropriate digital learning device under the Department’s DDOS policy. This is due to their small screen size which has implications for optical health as well as their incompatibility to utilise a wide range of software required to access a wide range of learning activities and experiences. Students will have access to digital devices such as desktop computers, laptops and iPads for learning activities that require specific access to online and offline platforms.

Liverpool Girls High School utilises the Yondr phone pouch system. All students enrolled at Liverpool Girls High School will be allocated a Yondr pouch free of charge. Students enrolling throughout the year will be allocated a pouch as part of their enrolment. If this pouch is damaged or lost a replacement cost of $15 will be billed to parents/carers.