Liverpool Girls High School

Innovation Excellence Learning

Telephone9602 0083

Years 11-12 Stage 6 History

Year 11 – 12 (Stage 6 History)

The history faculty offers the following senior courses:

  • Ancient History
  • Modern History
  • History Extension
  • History Matters (non-Atar)

Ancient History

The study of Ancient History engages students in an investigation of life in early societies based on the analysis and interpretation of physical and written remains. It enables students to develop knowledge and understanding of the ancient world, historical skills and values, and attitudes. The course includes topics such as Human Remains, Tutankhamun’s Tomb, Pompeii and Herculaneum, ancient Sparta, Hatshepsut, and historical periods such as The Greek world and Amenhotep III to Ramesses II.

Modern History

The study of Modern History engages students in an investigation of the forces that have shaped the world, based on the analysis and interpretation of sources. It offers students the opportunity to develop knowledge and understanding of the modern world, the skills of critical analysis, and values and attitudes essential for an appreciation of the people, forces, and ideas that have shaped the modern world. The course includes topics such as the Sinking of the Titanic, The Breakup of Yugoslavia, World War I, Conflict in Indochina, and Civil Rights in the USA.

History Extension

The History Extension course is about the nature of history, and how and why historical interpretations are developed from different perspectives and approaches over time. It requires students to examine the way history is constructed and the role of historians. Students explore problems and issues associated with the construction of history through sampling the works of various writers, historians, and others involved in the practice of history from ancient times to the present day. The course includes studying John F. Kennedy as a case study and undertaking a historical investigation project of their own choosing.

History Matters (non-Atar)

The History Matters course provides students with an understanding of how history has been transmitted over time and the study of the impact of key individuals, cities, and developments in the transmission of history. In year 11 students are introduced to archaeology, sites and sources, the rise of cities, and a personality study. In year 12 students undertake a film study analysis, examine ideas that changed the world, and produce a group film project on an individual of historical importance.