Liverpool Girls High School

Innovation Excellence Learning

Telephone9602 0083

Helping students learn

The Help Desk

The Liverpool Girls' High School Desk is a direct result of asking students in 2011 what they needed to help them be successful learners.  An overwhelming response was "help with homework and assignments".  As a result the Help Desk was created and has operated since 2012 in the school Library after school.

The aim of the Help Desk is to provide students with assistance and support with their learning involving assistance with homework, lending a hand with study tips and ideas and assistance for getting started with and completing assignments.  Primarily the Help Desk operates as a homework and study centre after school hours.

The Help Desk is run by a number of teachers who are there to help students.  University students from Sydney University and the University of Western Sydney also volunteer time to assist students at the centre.  Students are supervised during the afternoon of operations.  To enter, students need to have a signed permission from their parents so that parents know where their daughters are and so that the school is comfortable knowing that the students' parents know where they are.

The Help Desk offers a quiet and safe learning environment for students to work on building their understanding and skills in their chosen subjects.  The centre also provides students with access to the library resource collection as well as access to computers and access to the internet to assist with study. Students may print or copy material for a small charge to cover the costs of the equipment.

The Help Desk operates from the LIBRARY for one and a half hours after school between the hours of 3:15 pm to 4:45 pm on;

  • Mondays
  • Tuesdays
  • Thursdays.

The centre operates in the following weeks of the each term.  These are the times when students need the most help with their learning.

  • Term 1  -  Weeks 4 to 9
  • Term 2  -  Weeks 2 to 9
  • Term 3  -  Weeks 2 to 9
  • Term 4  -  Weeks 2 to 7

No refreshments are provided but students may bring a light snack and drink and ensure that the rubbish is disposed of appropriately.

The "Help Desk" is not a social drop in centre.  Students who disrupt other students whilst they are working will have parents called to collect any student not cooperating.  Students are responsible to bring their homework and tasks with them along with any materials that teachers have given them to assist with the assignment, so that the Help Desk Teacher is able to best help students and give them direction and assistance.

Parent consent form

Useful resources

Here are some resources that will be useful and aid your learning.